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ElvisGrizzly t1_ireqc9m wrote

So in theory, if this works - snip virus out of the cells with an IV bag that pumps the treatment directly into the bloodstream - doesn't that mean it could work for ANY virus? Epstein barr, RSV even Flu?


sandoval747 t1_irezl18 wrote

This treatment works because HIV is a retrovirus. Retroviruses insert their own DNA into the human genome and force us to use their genes with our cellular machinery to create more viruses.

CRISPR is a gene editing technology that can cut DNA at precise locations. This means we can cut the HIV DNA out of the cell's genome and reverse the infection.

This will not work for every virus though because not every virus works by inserting their genome into ours. So, even if it were not an extremely risky procedure, we could never use this tech to cure a virus such as influenza.


Not_as_witty_as_u t1_irfzfma wrote

>Retroviruses insert their own DNA into the human genome and force us to use
>genes with
>cellular machinery to create more viruses.

wild stuff


e: why did it edit like that, sounds like it's being read by William Shatner


geekyCatX t1_ires25e wrote

Would be too expensive/possible risks not worth the benefit for flu, but the others I would say yes. If it works, that could be done too.


HouseCravenRaw t1_irestq0 wrote

Too expensive today, certainly, and probably not viable for the general population. But if this technique works, I could see using it to eliminate the flu virus from elderly or otherwise unwell patients in a hospital setting, in the far future. Provided they are well-heeled enough of course....


AdagioExtra1332 t1_irf5tmj wrote

Theoretically would have the most use for viruses which undergo lysogenic phases and lie dormant in cellular DNA. So it would theoretically be feasible for HIV and EBV. Not so much for RSV or flu.