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professorjaytee t1_irvxmjn wrote

Whoopie. Nearly all humans can see "millions of colors" too. Since they're only talking about SHADES of colors, not individual, separate colors.

Yes, this is a nice step for computers. No, it's not a ground-breaking amazing thing that humans can't do.


sceadwian t1_irwi8b3 wrote

Shades are independent colors. Even if they don't have a name. The entire concept of color is a human conceptual one not one that exists in physics. When you get right down to it there are no natural colors that are actually one color. Even the best single wavelength emitters output in a range around an average wavelength not one color.

A typical human can only see about a million colors we can't differentiate finer than that.

People trained with color reference swaths can do better


SatanLifeProTips t1_irwl5k5 wrote

My cell phone camera can see millions of colours too. I’m not sure what is different about what these guys are doing.

If it’s legit, a different method of capturing light may have applications in self driving as the current crop of vision systems is easily fooled.