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Surur t1_iuhg1e9 wrote

I'm not a supporter of nuclear energy lol, but those people have advocated for neighbourhood-based pebble-bed reactors lol.


FearLeadsToAnger t1_iuhgl3j wrote

Who isn't a supporters of nuclear in 2022? What's your thinking?


Surur t1_iuhhkur wrote

It's very simple - nuclear energy has very long lead times (often a decade), is very expensive, and relies on a stable society for its entire existence, something which Ukraine and USA shows us is not guaranteed.

It's also centralised, vs many renewables which can be generated at home or at the community level.


HoriOri t1_iuhjfoo wrote

Those are very good and well thought out reasons. However, it does mean that much of the world will be burning gas for baseload power till we can get some decent buffers so we can use renewables entirely.

I personally don't think we have the time left, we needed to throw everything we've got at this problem 40 years ago.