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AugustusClaximus t1_isuiucm wrote

We are already capable of a post scarcity society, but our greed continues to outpace our production capacity. We could give everyone a roof and a full belly, but others might have to do without a 3rd car and a golf membership. I think it’s foolish to think this will change any time soon. I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t start a war over how the dyson swarms power is allocated in 200 years


m4nu3lf t1_isv7zhs wrote

Isn't it a contradiction to say "we could be in a post scarcity society if we wanted less"?

Btw a lot of wars in modern history were/are also ideologically motivated. War is so destructive today that it's never benefitting either side.


AugustusClaximus t1_isvajbl wrote

I’ll clarify by saying that I think that the concept of post scarcity of society is dubious. There will always be things we find scarce and we will shift our appetites to pursue those things.