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Dramatic-Brain-745 t1_isv2vmh wrote

Hitlers V2 Rockets we’re heavier, even duds would knock out buildings because they were 2 tons. They were also significantly faster. Hitlers V2 rockets flew at 400 MPH creating a kinetic impact if they failed that would knock down most buildings.

Vlads fly at 115MPH, weigh in at 400 pounds and cost nearly the same.

Now, I’d assume Hitlers were 25k back in the 40s, and Putins are 20k today. Not sure if the info I was reading accounted for cost, but if it did, the V2 rocket would be the obvious choice for this style of war.

I’m glad Putin isn’t using them, but in my opinion, his drones fell short of impressive. Unless he’s got a Protoss carrier filled with 10k of them, I’d say this is just him trying to get some cheap shots in.

Furthermore, Drone defenses are on the way to Ukraine, and modern drone defenses would not Stop a V2 rocket onslaught.


ACCount82 t1_isxab15 wrote

On the other hand, V2's guidance was dogshit - but that's just tech levels for you. Modern electronics make it easier to implement guidance.


numba1cyberwarrior t1_iswvfpc wrote

This comment is so wrong.

>Hitlers V2 Rockets we’re heavier, even duds would knock out buildings because they were 2 tons. They were also significantly faster. Hitlers V2 rockets flew at 400 MPH creating a kinetic impact if they failed that would knock down most buildings.

Firepower alone does not mean effectiveness. These drones are exponentially more accurate.

>Now, I’d assume Hitlers were 25k back in the 40s, and Putins are 20k today. Not sure if the info I was reading accounted for cost, but if it did, the V2 rocket would be the obvious choice for this style of war.

A V2 rocket is significantly more expensive then the drones being flung around Ukraine right now. Some of them are litterly being built with plastic parts bought from Aliexpress.

>Furthermore, Drone defenses are on the way to Ukraine, and modern drone defenses would not Stop a V2 rocket onslaught.

It highly depends on the drone. There are drones that can fly extremely low and follow pre programed paths to avoid air defense networks. V2s cant really do that much. V2s are quite easy to shoot down with modern air defense networks. They were even being shot down by WW2 propeller airplanes. Drones can also be launched from almost anywhere unlike V2 rockets.