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AlbertaChuck t1_it3oyf5 wrote

This looks a lot better than the bird murdering giant windmill eye sores.


Inphearian t1_it3quw4 wrote

Bird murdering lol


wag3slav3 t1_it3rxvf wrote

Yeah, the windmills kill like 100,000 birds. Cat's kill 100x more but these clowns don't seem to give a shit about useless cats vs shit that also generates power and lets us move off of massively polluting forms of energy.


Blinknone t1_it4gb19 wrote

Cats aren't killing eagles and hawks. They're killing common tweety birds.


stealthflight23 t1_it40grz wrote

Thats why this article is exciting. This rooftop invention looks superior to windmills


stealthflight23 t1_it40an4 wrote

No joke, an energy company was sued, fined for millions for all the eagles and hawks get killed by their windmills


AlbertaChuck t1_it3rwm1 wrote

Feel free to go to one of the larger sites, see for yourself. Vertical turbines like these are much better for the environment. Not just preventing bird kill, but less overall impact (less steel, transportation energy costs, fibreglass blades, etc).


Inphearian t1_it44apn wrote

It’s funny how many people care about windmills killing birds also roll coal. It’s almost like they are being disingenuous. Not that I’m accusing you of that…


AlbertaChuck t1_it47f55 wrote

The idiots that “roll coal” need to have their vehicles seized. I dislike windmills because they are WAY less beneficial for the environment than most people think, and there are better alternatives (like this product).


Tebwolf359 t1_it3y6i8 wrote

How are regular windmills eyesores? It’s all subjective I guess, but I live near a bunch and I love the look of them on the mountains.


AlbertaChuck t1_it3yozw wrote

I’d rather see the landscape than giant windmills. Smaller scale urban vertical turbines also means less distribution logistics
