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lanclos t1_it3uyw2 wrote

If I had a small version of this that generated 100-200 watts I'd be happy. That'd be enough to let my house break even at night.


CriticalUnit t1_it6gvqz wrote

There are some nice camping wind turbines that are big enough to fit that category


FishMichigan t1_itb0fo4 wrote

Just want to say all these turbines are basically scams that don't work. 12 m/s is 26 mph. You do not have 26 mph winds as often as you think you do.


CriticalUnit t1_itkf5f2 wrote

It really depends on what use case you have and where you mount it.

But you're right that you're absolutely not getting nameplate capacity out of it very often.


OffEvent28 t1_itneo79 wrote

Agreed. These could be good in a limited number of areas. Just as with tidal and wave energy generators, a good solution but only for very few places.


Kruxx85 t1_it6xwcx wrote

100-200 W only requires a small battery?