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A_throwaway__acc t1_itm3nk3 wrote

Sorry for the late answer, i had to gather lots of sources.

What exactly is "soul" in the context of creation? You are talking in vague terms.


We ALREADY live in a time where AI creates arts almost same as humans, in the future AI will surpass humans.


An AI wrote a japanese novel and won Japan's national literary prize.

This is a much bigger deal than you think it is, japanese is an extremely complex, nuanced and contextual language.

There are over 10 ways of say "i" depending if you are a girl, a woman, a boy or a man or you have a special work apart of multiple ways to address others ranging from very polite to very rude.

Actually, thanks to the intrincacies in the language, japanese is rated among the most difficult languages in the world to learn along mandarin and telugu.

Even with all these hurdles, an AI was able to write a novel that makes enough sense AND is has an alluring plot good enough to win second place in the eyes of experts of one of the countries with the longest literary history of the planet, surpasing human authors.

Instead of commission a famous writer to write a novel to your liking or spending hours looking for a book you might like, why not press a button and have tens of award-winning-tier books written in seconds?



An AI won the 1st place at fine arts contest in Colorado.

The most popular use of AI is in ART, an AI is able to reproduce and even create something that could take a human months, in just seconds! Everyone knows of dall-e 2 but there are many popular ways to create art in seconds.

In just a matter of seconds you can have many takes of mona lisa's in a cubist style made with craiyon.

We have reached the point where an AI can create photo-realistic people, animals, places and etc that don't exist:

AI has reached the point where it can make out of the blue realistic things that do not really exist in our world, or in reality itself.



An AI music composing service let you own the copyrights of the song created by the AI and even better, compose something based the YOUR influence possibly creating a new genre!

Instead of hire a composer and have to wait weeks to have a song composed you might not like, an AI can easily generate multiple tracks that fit your tastes.

How good is the result? Check it for yourself.

Want to try a free alternative? There are many, this site AI makes songs portraying any emotion you want in genres you want, royalty-free.

This specific website generated FIFTEEN songs in just 1 second.


One of the biggest arguments against AI i have seen is:

"But AI can just do things after humans give input, they can't create M-A-G-I-C-A-L new things like we humans do!".

Many models of AI do rely on an input so the machine knows what it should be creating, but this is not universally the case anymore.

An AI developed by google can now learn by itself, relying in it's own memory to create stuff, this means that, like a human, it can use it's own "brain" information to create things that it was not specifically told to create.

This is a model that emulates human concept of creativity and logic made into AI.

All these things are happening RIGHT NOW, imagine what will happen in the future.

AI will eliminate the need for human artists.


paramach t1_itoth6m wrote

Wow. I asked for sources and you delivered... And then some

I appreciate your detailed, well cited response. My argument has clearly collapsed. AI can create meaningful art and music, as proved by your sources.

Idk if you heard this story or not, but recently a conversational AI from Google convinced 2 or more Google engineers that it was sentient. One of them even lost their job advocating for awareness of the AI's "sentience."

The technical folks at Google claimed the engineer was batshit crazy and was fooled by clever programming/algorithms. Spoiler alert, I agree with those folks, BUT I also believe that the Google engineer honestly believed the AI had sentience. That's as high a score as you can get on the Turing test... We have made great strides in the field of AI in the recent few decades, that's for sure.

HOWEVER, if AI is so powerful and so indistinguishable from human products, why not just use it for everything? Have it do all our work, solve all our problems, and create all the art/music/literature? Because AI is not there yet, from a technical/Capability point of view. AI is good at singular tasks, like making a picture or writing a tune, but it breaks down when given broad general tasks. The human brain is complex and thinks critically. AI can't think critically. It can only make decisions based on the data it was fed and the algorithms/code that interpret that data. Although it can do incredible things, AI is still outclassed by human intelligence. Unless we make some miracle breakthroughs within the next century, I don't see this changing anytime soon.


A_throwaway__acc t1_itpo4nq wrote

>The technical folks at Google claimed the engineer was batshit crazy and was fooled by clever programming/algorithms. Spoiler alert, I agree with those folks

I agree too with this, what the developer did was also heavily edit the conversation to remove the illogical answers by the AI or ignore when the AI spoke of a nonexistent family it said it had at a non existent home.

In the end it was a developer that wanted the AI to be more than it was.

>The human brain is complex and thinks critically. AI can't think critically.

I do not know how you define critical thinking but the last point shows an AI model made by google that can reach logical conclusions on it's own.

It was told how some family relationships work on a family tree...and then the AI by itself made accurate linkings in the tree, as if it knew how to use critical thinking to reach a conclusion 2 members were related.

Still, this AI model is super new, and AI is the hottest tech right now.