wwarnout t1_itd25kx wrote
I'd argue that science is addressing the scientific and technological problems, but is being stymied by science denial and willful ignorance. These problems need a political, not scientific, solution.
For starters, let's stop electing people that are ignorant, incompetent, and only interested in what they personally can get out of it.
Lord0fHats t1_itd5j38 wrote
The problem is that people who are ignorant, incompetent, and only interested in what they can personal get are usually elected by people who are ignorant, incompetent, and only interested in what they can personally get.
And the great irony of it is, that those very same people are so terrifying in the things they want to do that they basically force us to make sub-optimal (but realistic) choices, or we just get disillusioned and become uninvolved.
So really at the end of the day we're basically left with choices on the sliding scale of ignorance, incompetence, and self-interest, and can rarely if ever make the choices that actually make the most sense. That's how we've ended up with science, technology, and innovation largely being motivated by profit-motive, since it's the one thing most people can get behind.
CelestialFather t1_itdekuz wrote
This is depressing
Kelrakh t1_iteoj5j wrote
I still think you only need a critical mass of elected people who are mostly honest about most things when it doesn't affect their bottom line for things to work out.
E.g. We don't have small children working in coal mines in western nations anymore.
This didn't happen on it own.
Proving that laying out what the world ought to be, rather than accepting what is, did change the world. Otherwise why would the world have any changes for the better at all.
We can't let perfect be the enemy of good nor can we let good be the enemy of slightly-above acceptable. Not if the alternative is a downhill slide.
Lord0fHats t1_iteoyn5 wrote
To be honest, I think this is already generally true.
For every famous 'lying' politician, there's 20 or 30 you've simply never heard of because they're too busy working to get on TV. A lot of the betrayals or let downs people complain about are really idealism running headfirst into reality and the expectations people had of the political system were unrealistic.
perhapsnew t1_ite37jj wrote
So, we need one-party (of competent and interested in collective gain) political system then? Just like in China or North Korea?
Lord0fHats t1_ite3j69 wrote
More like people need to learn to live with the things they can't really do anything about instead of obsessing over how things 'should' be.
Should be won't be a realistic outcome, not even in a dictatorial one-party system because the people who rise to the top in such systems are not anymore competent, rational, or knowledgeable than the bulk of the population. What gets to the top of a one party system is ruthlessness, not competence.
preapocalyptictimes t1_itdahkv wrote
Some of the things being innovated now are very cool and amazing but out of touch with real world pressing problems. For instance, brain-computer interfacing is hot, but is that what science should be focusing on when the global society is facing crisis… all that is swept under the rug or massive distraction placed in front of us.
anotherusercolin t1_itekctg wrote
I think you're underestimating the purposeful intent of power structures (i.e. fossil fuel execs) to make it this way. They rig the system so only they can afford to market their politicians (corrupt campaign finance). They purposefully silence innovation that threatens their power. They're very good at it.
[deleted] t1_ite6vo7 wrote
striegerdt t1_itf5bbr wrote
scientific dogma is a hurdle as well
prototyperspective t1_itrzyf7 wrote
>These problems need a political, not scientific, solution.
Why is policy studies then severely neglected? That's exactly what their report could be about.
Not only are policy studies neglected, work on concrete policy proposals and similar practicality/real-world-related things is neglected too, as is work on building or improving systems that effectively work to solve real problems.
cornerblockakl t1_ite1012 wrote
Of the current crop of elected officials who would you fire? Names please.
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