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Extreme-Ad-5059 t1_itf476k wrote

lol keep dreaming. aliens dont exist no matter what you want to believe


Doktor_Earrape t1_itf5v56 wrote

There is zero chance Earth has the only life forms in the universe


KingRafa t1_itg1j5s wrote

There are certainly other life forms out there, but other civilizations are relatively unlikely, at least within our galaxy.


LeadSky t1_itf6x75 wrote

Why do you think so? You have no way of proving they don’t exist


Theman227 t1_itg3n7f wrote

Seriously, just read his comment history... you're not talking to peak intelligence...


gmoney32211 t1_itgtafv wrote

There is 2 trillion galaxies within just our OBSERVABLE universe. There are 10^25, yes 10 to the 25th exponent planets that orbit stars.

It’s incredibly naive to think we are the only ones who exist and even the most intelligent to exist.