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jesbiil t1_ituy13d wrote

Diesels are interesting to me, not because I have/want one but because of how they've changed SO MUCH in the last 20 years. These days you couldn't pay me to own a newer diesel. What I see though is people get used to their engine, they don't like to change unless this is forced from a big company (e.g. this article says this is for Amazon).

If you want to drop your own jaw, go look up the price of a 20 year old diesel truck, those pre-emissions diesels are sought after because they are so reliable.


Flipdip35 t1_itw4rod wrote

Yeah, the issue with diesels is that trying to get them to fit emissions targets is a nightmare, involving so many different little systems that often reduce the life of the engine (like EGR which puts exhaust back into the engine to cool it so less NOx).