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ShittyBeatlesFCPres t1_iv5dov8 wrote

I use Firefox but I don’t think Google “sells” data in the way others sell it, do they? I mean, I wouldn’t put it past them (or any firm) but it seems like the real money is in collecting the data and then not sharing it so you (and only you) can sell ads. Like, if Google knows you regularly Google tacos, they sell ad space for the “taco affinity group” to Mexican restaurants. If they just crudely sold user data, ad buyers wouldn’t necessarily have to go to Google.

That just goes for Google and a few others, obviously. Companies that aren’t targeted ad juggernauts have different incentives and probably sell data left and right. It just seems like Google and Facebook and probably the next tier (like The NY Times Company, maybe?) have an incentive to hoard data — which is its own problem — and none to share data.