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Bewaretheicespiders t1_ivfpv6q wrote

>but you can make it from water using clean energy sources.

Which is incredibly dumb when you could be heating the house directly with those energy sources instead of the huge loss, cost and safety issue to turn it into hydrogen.


cyberFluke t1_ivgl8yu wrote

Hydrogen is just acting as the battery in this case.

It comes down to how economically hydrogen can be stored and moved compared to storing the electricity directly.

You're right at a physics level, but the economics of energy storage might play out differently.


Bewaretheicespiders t1_ivgooew wrote

Terrible for storage, both long term because of the leaks and boiloff, and on the short term because of the conversion losses. This is just a way to keep europe dependant on gas without calling it gas.


The_RealKeyserSoze t1_ivi36fe wrote

Its easier to move electricity than hydrogen. So hydrogen would have to make sense due to storage, for cars/transport it clearly does make sense. For heating idk, the low round trip efficiency of hydrogen would likely favor heat pumps running on electricity instead.