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t1_ive78xb wrote

>Dr Dubal predicted that in 10 years' time, Australia could be exporting both raw lithium and graphene batteries.

Another day, another company with a laboratory-scale battery that goes nowhere. Too many of these run through their initial funding and then turn to the press, and then people read a headline then act like it's a solved issue. It isn't.

The issues are immense, from energy density to cost to scalability to materials. We've poured huge amounts of money for small incremental improvements, and those were hard-won improvements.

Over the next 10 years we'll be fortunate to really get to solid-state, liquid-flow, Li-O2, or even Sodium-Ion and even then it will be relatively incremental. We don't even have much on the horizon for something game-changing, because the issues are just that daunting.