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t1_ivglrnw wrote

The food chain is not going to collapse because one invasive species of mosquito (i.e. species that doesn't even belong there in the first place) is going to be eradicated from a couple of cities (not even the whole country). Not a single species is dependent on eating mosquitoes alone.


t1_ivgqnon wrote

I suppose you have never heard of unintended consequences or seen the entire history of human attempts to "manage" the environment. It's moot anyway, since the anthropocene mass extinction began years ago and we are estimated to be losing 40+ species every day.


t1_ivgyoa1 wrote

Most of these disease carrying mosquitoes are not native to the places they are now found. They arrived on ships during the age of sail. They're invasive species. Moreover in places where they are from they occupy a crowded niche of non-disease(for humans at least) carrying mosquitoes. It's a pretty well studied topic and no one is engaged in this without having considered environmental impact.


t1_ivh1qk6 wrote

We are responsible for many extinctions of Native and important species every year, eradicating one non-native bug species isn’t going to harm anything. I’d be for it if it only meant less bites.