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joker1288 t1_ivo7ls4 wrote

That’s incorrect. We have seem similar advancement in time frame. I think you’re thinking material sciences that have advanced to a high degree like never before. Societal advancement is not much different.


CriticalUnit t1_ivojy61 wrote

> We have seem similar advancement in time frame.

No, no we have not.


KingHydron t1_ivo7v1r wrote

The Technological Determinism Theory:

The technological determinism theory states that the technology of a society is what determines the development of its social structures and cultural values.

I see your point however, the 'cycle' here is that fact that technology changes/influences society. This will repeat iteself as new ways of communicating are introduced.


joker1288 t1_ivo8cc3 wrote

Ok? Thats a theory…. From one perspective. That doesn’t mean it is the definition of societal development. That would mean that ancient Greeks were a highly advanced modern society with their analog computers that they had for computations for the sky and sailing purposes or there use of steam engines in Alexandria that were used in temples. Doesn’t work. From Industrial Revolution to today it is our material sciences that have advanced. I would argue that culture has a larger impact on the tech side as well.


KingHydron t1_ivoa88o wrote

Society is advancing faster as a result of scientific/technological advancements. Education, political awareness, freedom of information. These things affect the rate of change in a society. In the past 10 years social opinions on racism, lgbtq+, mysogony etc have changed massively. To deny the rate of change has been impacted is simply incorrect.

Also, the question is not referring to societal development specifically. It was asked in a much broader sense. Is the future 100 years from now harder to predict than from 1250 to 1350? Yes. The length of the cycles are changing and/or the patterns observed in these cycles are changing.