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iluvlamp77 t1_iwe77z1 wrote

>and this doesn't count all the oil and gas wells that get abandoned that the government is forced to clean up. They currently owe towns over a quarter of a billion in taxes while making record profits.

These aren't the major companies. Its delinquent companies. It's hard to come after companies that don't exist anymore


Blue-Thunder t1_iwecy6h wrote

You mean companies that were bought out by other shell companies, to hide their ownership.

Oil and gas have done so much damage to the planet, that all subsidies for them should have ended when their lies were made public, and yet here we are with people defending them.


iluvlamp77 t1_iwedeah wrote

Well when you talk out of emotion and not facts or reality its hard to take you serious


Blue-Thunder t1_iweq6ss wrote

It's a well known fact that these are all shell companies of shell companies. Our government has sat on the Panama Papers for how many years, and have refused to do anything. They know who these companies are to send them their royalty cheques, just not who they are to get their tax money. The totals owed went from $170+ million in 2021 to $253 million in 2022.

If I was talking out of emotion, I'd be dropping F bombs like Covid did Trump followers.
