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TrillaGorillasGhost t1_iwicykw wrote

This will be a luxury for the ultra rich while us peasants fight for basic healthcare scraps. Very cool use of the technology though.


lapseofreason t1_iwiulei wrote

Cancer survivor here. This is simply not true. They start expensive and then become increasingly cheaper when subject to competition and economies of scale. It really is much cheaper in the long run to save your life than to have you die. Without the initial high price it is less likely that a lot of these avenues would be pursued and that is why the USA is always on the cutting edge of this sort of thing. It is not great in the short term but fantastic in the longer term


Homie4-2-0 t1_iwys5z5 wrote

This is something a lot of people don't realize. The U.S system has its problems, but it has also thrown more resources toward medical research than any other nation in world history.


YaAbsolyutnoNikto t1_iwk2l9v wrote

Why do people keep saying stuff like this? Do you live on Mars or something?

Are cars, phones, electricity, computers, x-rays, etc. only for the rich in your planet?


FTRFNK t1_iwx3oae wrote

Have you bought a new car recently? We can't get "used gene therapies" at a discount price. A new phone is $300 for the lowest functioning model near the top is over a grand. Otherwise your locked into an unfavorable contract with a business to get it for free (where they more than make up for it by gouging you on service). I could keep going down this list but yes, cars ARE for the wealthy, same with anything but the absolute oldest/most basic phones, computers. In many modern instances those cheap items are literally unable to do many modern necessary things. Buy a 10 year old computer and try to do a video call for a job interview. Yes, there are many many people that can't afford an x ray or have to wait sometimes months to find out they should have been treated earlier. Do you live under a rock?


asmit10 t1_iwkq6rs wrote

Yeah man don’t you hate how the rich get to drive their car to work while we have to ride our horses?


Fit_Manufacturer_444 t1_iwimldv wrote

I hate this sad future. We need a revolution. Workers, seize the means of crispr genome editing, you have nothing to lose but your paid private healthcare