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TheArmed501st t1_iwopm0s wrote

Kill CEO profits permanently and their “overheads” and ban stock trading from them. Then youll see prices go back to normal


tickleMyBigPoop t1_iwp42sk wrote

I see you have no idea how commodities prices work


TheArmed501st t1_iwp8net wrote

A company can run without a CEO raking in millions and billions and using none of it for their workers, working them to the bone for measly pay compared to what the ceo does sitting in the posh office telling the shareholders what they wanna hear and telling them how much theyre screwing everyone and the climate over with a smile on their face.


tickleMyBigPoop t1_iwpapky wrote

I see you have no idea how commodities prices work

Are you going to keep on showing us the results of the American education system


TheArmed501st t1_iwpbbzx wrote

Are you going to be a one track record are you going to be a one track record?