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bremidon t1_iwufd78 wrote

>Hydrogen would work a lot better for long duration

Really? You sure about that? Because hydrogen is extremely bad at long duration storage.


whyamihereonreddit t1_iwug6yi wrote

Yes, use excess renewable energy while the sun is shining and the wind is blowing to generate green hydrogen. Pump it into some salt caverns (or storage tanks if less MWh are needed). Then when the renewable resource isn't producing, you have hydrogen ready to go for longer durations.

It's not suitable for every application, but there are scenarios where hydrogen makes sense.


bremidon t1_iwuk4kq wrote

What is your solution to keep all that hydrogen from leaking away? Storing hydrogen is notoriously difficult.


OffEvent28 t1_iwxemwn wrote

I think storage of hydrogen will work best when you are using it as a time-shifting storehouse. Generate it during the day when the sun shines and use it the following night to generate electricity when the sun is not shining. Storage for half a day, not half a year. The shorter the time it is in storage the less you loose through the walls of the storage container.