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filosoful OP t1_iwzgphk wrote

Major industry groups like the London-based Global Cement and Concrete Association and the Illinois-based Portland Cement Association have now released detailed road maps for reducing the 8 percent that cement-making is contributing to the total of CO2 emissions, to zero by 2050.

Many of their strategies rely on emerging technologies; even more are a matter of scaling up alternative materials and underutilized practices that have been around for decades. And all can be understood in terms of the three chemical reactions that characterize concrete’s life cycle: calcination, hydration, and carbonation.


MLS_Analyst t1_iwzior6 wrote

Biosolids! There's a lot of data out there showing that using HTC-processed biosolids in place of sand in bricks & concrete can cut down on energy use by 50%, and at 10% replacement could offset all of the emissions from cement production.

As always: we have the technology to make this happen. It's just a question off whether we have the political will.


just-cuz-i t1_ix11if0 wrote

“Political will” currently means “can rich people get more profit.”