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Upstairs-Wheel-8995 t1_ix8w6vr wrote

You clearly failed biology… you need a uterus for this… ffs. Men don’t have that…


tarrox1992 t1_ix96iz2 wrote

Lesbians are also prevented from “adopting.”

>Two men can't adopt an embryo to be used with a surrogate.

And that line addresses any relevant statement in your unnecessary comment.


Upstairs-Wheel-8995 t1_ixa91eh wrote

Go to a different place then. You act as if there’s only one in the entire world.


tarrox1992 t1_ixandsf wrote

You’re putting thoughts and words into my mouth and mind that aren’t mine.

I only refuted your comment, I apologize if that caused you any unnecessary exertion in moving your goalposts.