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FlatulentWallaby t1_ix9t82n wrote

Climate change in general. Once EVs are more profitable than gas cars you'll see every fossil fuel company in the world switch to "green" and pretend they always were about the environment.


AngsterMusic t1_ix9udfc wrote

I hate that this is so true.


LunarBiker t1_ixc5m1l wrote

Or perhaps it’s a good thing; at least it’s not some ideological difference we’re having, which would’ve been a much harder problem to solve.


systemofaderp t1_ixdffwe wrote

Yeah, like for example the ideological difference of putting monetary profits of a few wealthy individuals over the survival of life on the planet as we know it. Totally fine


LunarBiker t1_ixdfrh4 wrote

Except it isn’t exactly a few wealthy billionaires is it, it’s almost everyone in the global north including most likely both of us, and our comfortable western lifestyles.


p_nut268 t1_ix9xl2p wrote

They do that now. The fucking Canadian oil sands companies are making a huge promotional push about how they are on the verge of being carbon neutral. Which is straight up fucking bullshit. Yet here we are.


DadOfFan t1_ixa4nog wrote

greenwashing is so common, there is a push in Australia to make it an offence to claim to be green without providing science based proof of the claims.


AdvertisingFree4150 t1_ixddjc1 wrote

thats awesome. its seems like most companies planting a couple tree then saying theyre carbon neutral.


Flash635 t1_ixaewp5 wrote

Carbon neutral is just planting trees to offset how much carbon your business is responsible for. It doesn't actually reduce carbon output.