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t1_ixi869o wrote

Why the absolute need for growth? Why not chill a more, grow less? The idea of never ending growth is absurd.


t1_ixi8uhf wrote



t1_ixi9h2g wrote

I think the future should be less work not more so I disagree, we should be moving towards a utopia not a dystopia.


t1_ixiafp6 wrote



t1_ixiaw9x wrote

Chairs didn't exist until they suddenly did, we shouldn't let go of our goals just because they haven't been done before or resulted in fail experiments.


t1_ixib1bu wrote



t1_ixibqlu wrote

Ahh yes let me explain an extremely complex economic and societal system in a reddit comment.


t1_ixicvf5 wrote



t1_ixildjx wrote

It works is already at our very nearly at the point that all labor can be automated. Let the machines produce and let the humans do whatever they want with their time. Why did this concept scare people? Oh no we won't have jobs anymore the fucking horror....


t1_ixils4c wrote



t1_iximmsd wrote

Yes,the purpose is what you choose to do at that point. You can study something you actually care about, find fun hobbies, read books, watch TV, play games. If you think forced labor is the only purpose in life you are a very sad person. The only people who are afraid are those living with generational wealth who already live this way and think it's due to some sort of gift they have that everyone else is lacking. When everyone can live like this then they are no longer special.


t1_ixinkq7 wrote



t1_ixipp1o wrote

What? That's just your narrative bro. You are the one trying to force people to work who don't want to. I'm saying people can do whatever they want. There will probably be massive scientific discoveries and breakthroughs when people who want to study and learn have the freedom to do so. If some choose

>Sitting around watching tv all day

That is their choice not yours.


t1_ixiqc6z wrote



t1_ixiqwe7 wrote

At what point in history did we have the means to produce everything we need and want with 0 labor?


t1_ixiehcu wrote

I'd also like to know, because I also think the universe would eat us alive the moment we stop growing and suffering.


t1_ixi93w8 wrote

Sure some suffering is necessary for growth.

We have a ton of suffering that is removing growth.

Like here let me pull out your nails and break your bones. I causing growth OMG we have growth as you heal but that is not the kind of growth we want.


t1_ixj2n0e wrote

This generation will be more dystopian than ever. They will truly sell their dignity for not suffering.

Good luck living in that world, NEETS. Or whatever you'll call yourselves.