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jwg020 t1_ixk84dp wrote

I mean, I feel like AI would be better at ruling strictly on logical reason as opposed to religious fanaticism, corporate greed, etc. I’m all for it.


Coachtzu t1_ixk8o3i wrote

Strict logic doesn't always work in the real world though. Sometimes you need an empathetic voice in the room. We have plenty of faults governing ourselves, but I'm not sure the AI should be trusted to find answers that aren't necessarily for the greater good, but benefit those not in charge.


ATLHawksfan t1_ixkx4lb wrote

Just sterilize the stupid and poor, euthanize the elderly and other drains on society, and nuke all other countries.

USA #1!!!


Coachtzu t1_ixkxba0 wrote

You forgot remove child labor laws and exploit 3rd world nations for the sake of "economic process"


rixtil41 t1_ixlgzgk wrote

But I would trust a logical AI than an emotional person on average.