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JustAKarmaWhore t1_iy98qr5 wrote

Yeah, and I bet those 'hospitals' will probably topple over at a slight breeze in the wind, or after a few years when whatever fake material they used to build it starts to degrade.

There's constant building collapses in china of buildings literally just falling over so yeah, you can build stuff pretty fast and cheap if you dont care about the reliability or quality of the product.

I highly doubt China has anything that is 'better' compared to what the US has.


hectichead22 t1_iy9fhxz wrote

Cheap and disposable yes, then just build another. It's a great way to keep your population employed. "Better things compared to the US" .. how about artificially built islands out in the ocean, with runways on? You almost make it sound like they live in paper houses, don't wear shoes and all paddle around in paddy fields.


YourWiseOldFriend t1_iya1zm6 wrote

>Cheap and disposable yes, then just build another.

They've built entire cities just for investment purposes that few if any people live in. Then there's the buildings they started building that were never finished and then demolished.

It is a humongous waste of resources and a blot on the landscape to have all that housing just standing there, without maintenance or upkeep, just falling apart.

This is not a smart way to build things. Their buildings do collapse. It's easy to say 'build another one', but you know: there were people in those buildings when the collapsed. Is that not something to worry about? That the standards are so lax and are ignored with impunity that you're going to live in a building that is going to collapse at some point and you may, or may not be in that building at the time?


hectichead22 t1_iya3zjy wrote

I think we've strayed somewhat from the point of the discussion. What has that got to do with 3d printed airplanes that fire rockets?


CathodeRayNoob t1_iy9mf8y wrote

Something something “if you want to create jobs, give them spoons, not shovels”


MilkshakeBoy78 t1_iy9vilb wrote

why spoons and not shovels?


CathodeRayNoob t1_iy9zrqe wrote

>This quotation is usually coupled with a colorful anecdote, but the details of the stories vary greatly. Here is an account from the economics writer Stephen Moore that was printed in the Wall Street Journal in 2009. Moore stated that he used to visit Milton Friedman and his wife, and together they would dine at a favorite Chinese restaurant: [2]

>At one of our dinners, Milton recalled traveling to an Asian country in the 1960s and visiting a worksite where a new canal was being built. He was shocked to see that, instead of modern tractors and earth movers, the workers had shovels. He asked why there were so few machines. The government bureaucrat explained: “You don’t understand. This is a jobs program.” To which Milton replied: “Oh, I thought you were trying to build a canal. If it’s jobs you want, then you should give these workers spoons, not shovels.”

>Cheap and disposable yes, then just build another. It's a great way to keep your population employed

Labor should be necessary and fulfilling. Not arbitrarily maximized.

The worst part about cheering for a cheap and disposable design is that there is still a pilot in that jet. China might find it's pilot's disposable but America doesn't have the same notion of its' pilots.


hectichead22 t1_iyad6wi wrote

🤣🤣🤣 you ever been in the army/navy/ air force?

Anyway.. back to the point in question which seems to be that USA great.. China weak..

Nothing going on with all those space rockets and things. It's just to get good photos for the internet. China don't have anything we should worry about after they split from the international space program. They just want to have a little gander on there own. Lmfao. Jeesssusfk people have nothing, have confidence in there government to PROtect them.. and are happy.
