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SatanLifeProTips t1_iy9nd13 wrote

China uses brains and trickery. America uses brawn and strong arm tactics.


PacJeans t1_iy9x9jw wrote

Genuinely braindead comment. Do you call genocide of uyghurs trickery? Is it not a strong arm tactic to threaten Taiwan with invasion every week? You could go on and on. But sure China's clever and just doing business. If that's what you want to call predatory loans and imperialistic exploitation in Africa and Asia.

You also just reinforced what I said. America uses military power for its imperialism and China uses economic exploitation, "trickery" as you call it. But somehow China's imperialism is better? This isn't some utilitarian argument where we have to qualify the suffering each countries policies produce. They both exploit, and if either one can do it more, they will.


SatanLifeProTips t1_iy9y7mv wrote

That’s either going on IN China or in land China considers their own. The comment distinctly referenced foreign soil. Yes Taiwan is a touchy subject and calling that foreign or not is like having the correct answer for abortion or religion in government. I’m going to NOPE on that one.

Go look up China’s Belt and Road initiative. They are loaning poor countries billions for mega projects and pumping up how much it will help their economy. But they use mostly Chinese labour and then when the bills come due and the economic benefit never happened they take the project as their own. Check out the assorted sea ports like in Sri Lanka that China scooped up.

That right there is invasion through trickery, and how China is building foreign bases.