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hectichead22 t1_iyadjo2 wrote

You got any reliable links to your claims please.


KileiFedaykin t1_iycy2ib wrote

Military capability speculation is very hard to verify. I can only offer my opinions gained from a variety of reported conflicts and talking with the service members I know. They have articles expounding the capabilities of the different units and some youtube videos I've watched that describe the use of the variety of units.
Sorry that I cannot provide reliable articles on what is controlled and propagandized data. I'm merely providing my opinion on what I believe.


hectichead22 t1_iyd3kjj wrote

Fair enough, and that's my point. I'm sure that all countries have propaganda machines in operation and exactly zero of those countries would be saying what they don't have and any other countries that are saying such things are saying so out of pure speculation and for propaganda reasons. I'm trying to imagine a western country discovering that China had made some sort of secret mega weapon. The daddy of all weapons, and the likelihood of that country telling it's population of the discovery.

Havana syndrome for example.


KileiFedaykin t1_iyewapm wrote

I had to look up Havana Syndrome. I knew of the event, but hadn't heard the term. TIL