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nautical_sea t1_ixouctn wrote

It’s almost like the rapid deployment of an effective vaccine to the highest risk communities decreased the transmission rate to the extent it was no longer spreading rapidly?

Who would have thought.


[deleted] t1_ixoztxh wrote



Mlliii t1_ixp61oy wrote

I had multiple friends get it, most of us got vaccinated immediately, in lines hundreds of people long.


mastersheeef t1_ixp70lt wrote

I’m surprised the news isn’t talking about it, that’s all. Bring awareness right? Help save others. Why don’t they care?


Mlliii t1_ixpbhj6 wrote

It’s mostly because there was an extremely effective vaccine rollout and community that generally aren’t fringe conspiracy theorists. CDC Case Trend chart


Sgubaba t1_ixp9b52 wrote

I think the Ukraine war happened