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themikker t1_iy3q5ie wrote

Consider how these 3d models are created, though. These auto generated items suffer from copyright related issues, which matters for commercial use.

Cleaning up the AI generated itens are probably going to take just as long as making it from scratch, too. This feels very gimmicky, but might work okay for some things. It's a tool, like everything else.


Ampersanders t1_iy3r9lg wrote

These things are a rig nightmare. Help generate ideas maybe but good fucking luck trying to code these like actual game assets.


ChurchOfTheHolyGays t1_iy6cr9r wrote

These didn't exist until literally months ago. When Dall-e 1 was released two years ago it was fun and amazing but completely unusable for anything professional. Then Dall-e 2 came out. Then Stable Diffusion came out. Then people said SD was unusable because you couldn't generate the same character/object multiple times in different contexts, one month later DreamBooth came out and now you can use SD to generate HD pictures of yourself in StarWars world or smth.


OGCarlisle t1_iy3sd5a wrote

they are surface meshes not parametric models


trynaeat t1_iy3znaz wrote

Yeah I can basically guarantee you need to retopo these by hand to be usable in a game. Nifty tool for generating references though at the very least.


armorhide406 t1_iy3sfdk wrote

That's the benefit of AI. It goes from shit to not very good to alright to super good very fast. I don't expect it'll take that long for AI to be better than every artist out there


Foohlie t1_iy4bdzg wrote

There will probably be an ai for that


Blackmail30000 t1_iy4s7iu wrote

Now. You are not thinking forward enough. That could change in a matter of months.