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FogletGilet t1_j12fpvm wrote

Yes that's normal because glaciers always tend yo oscillate. The problem is that the absolute amount of ice on glaciers is going down, even if some individual glaciers go up it doesn't make it for the loss.


AG2dayAG t1_j12gcrw wrote

The studies are all over the palace its hard to tell. The eu plan Is to charge a carbon tax thus seems like they're taking advantage of the situation to tax people rather than tackle the problem. Why not flat out ban 100+ for yachts and private jets as a start


ChalupaCabre t1_j12ntmg wrote

Why not charge a carbon tax so you can collect sales and luxury taxes on the item and then charge out the wazoo to fill the tank?

Or ban, and collect $0 in taxation. Seems like an easy choice!


AG2dayAG t1_j12o4nt wrote

Numbers are being inflated to give politicians a bigger budget to fleece
