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SatanLifeProTips t1_iysq18d wrote

Carbon taxes are also a thing now. Because the atmosphere is not a free garbage can.

We also pay the disposal cost of those PV panels when we buy them so that the end if life is already taken care if.

I could not see a PV energy tax happening. People would lose their shit. Everyone would bypass the meters. We need to meter grid power so that was easy. Metering home generation would be a logistical nightmare.


HardCounter t1_iysyrfc wrote

> I could not see a PV energy tax happening. People would lose their shit.

If only that were true. They'd do it incrementally so each step seems reasonable until 'surprise' there's a sudden tax with all the infrastructure in place to monitor it. They'll probably start by saying it's for tracking purposes only so they can see how effective panels are at mitigating costs and snowball from there.

Then suddenly oh my, there's a cost for using those monitors. Then oh my, in order to cover the environmental costs of making them there needs to be a tax. Then oh my, here's a tax 'cuz fuck you that's why, what's 1 cent per kwh? It's nothing, drop in the bucket. Oh my, gas taxes used to cover roads but now everyone is EV so we have to tax your energy.

Just going to boil that frog.


SatanLifeProTips t1_iyuf1ew wrote

It’s one thing tracking centralized systems. Oil gas water. All metered. Stand alone solar? It’s actually difficult and expensive to develop a monitored metering system that works across a vast spectrum of different custom systems that are all different? Not an easy task at all.


HardCounter t1_iyv3t6m wrote

It's really easy. Force a centralized entry point into the system, a single monitor. Electricity does that already and anything attached to the grid must go through that monitor. That portion is already in place.