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Surur t1_iysw1lt wrote

I dont think you understand - its just another way of looking at the same thing, and one which makes a lot more sense.

But you don't seem to understand - pity.

You probably do not understand why people are so eager to install solar despite the costs actually going up this year, but let me explain - its because the payback period has reduced.

Like I said, pity.


reboot_the_world t1_iysxp56 wrote

I gave you an example. If you have an big oil tank and fill it full, you pay many years nearly nothing till it is empty you and you need to fill it again. It is totally stupid to say you have free energy, only because you paid the cost upfront and than many years nearly nothing.

This is the same for solar. You pay the cost upfront and then many years nearly nothing and than you pay again a big bunch of money to renew the parts of your system. Yes, like when you pay upfront to fill a big oil tank, you can think a few years, you get your energy for free, thanks to not getting a bill for a few years. But it is dead wrong.Hint: I have pv on my roof and i am not able to get drunk enough to think one second that i get the energy for free. Maybe i am not the right consumer, or maybe i have reality on my site?
The right thinking is, that you have energy cheaper than your neighbor without pv.


Surur t1_iysyypk wrote

> I gave you an example. If you have an big oil tank and fill it full, you pay many years nearly nothing till it is empty you and you need to fill it again.

That is a silly example, isn't it. Again, you are ignoring the payback period. You paid for your fuel ahead of time.

If you buy 2000L of fuel oil ahead of time and use it over a year, there is no payback period - it costs exactly the same as if you bought it month to month.

It's more like buying a hacked satellite dish and getting free TV.

You are investing in the capability, not the fuel.


reboot_the_world t1_iyt1vom wrote

If your bought the oil for 2000 Euro and thanks to the energy crisis, it cost now 10.000 Euro, you also save money.

But i understand now what you mean. You are right, it is a different view on the same thing.