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ndaoust t1_iyzcffp wrote

For sure, it's not a diagnosis that's handed out lightly.

I definitely recommend seeing a doctor once in a while, as fibromyalgia sufferers respond differently to the variety of appropriate medication, and can even respond differently as years go by. Getting the right medication is life-changing.


[deleted] t1_iyzdg4j wrote

Got it. It‘s really weird when you‘re unwell all the time with random aches and all that. On top the dizzyness and all. I think I‘ve left 20% of my brain capacity on the way along so far. Sidenote: have tried microdosing psychedelics, not only for the contentration side of things.

Which category of meds are you talking about explicitly? From painkillers to anti inflammatory meds, there is a broad variety.


ndaoust t1_iyzfj9o wrote

Broad variety, as you say, and it depends on what's available/legal and what insurance covers. But I'm no medical specialist, I simply helped someone close cope through every step, from the initial confusion at their body, through the lengthy misdiagnoses, and trying different medication over years. This summer they finally found a great fit, enough to prompt the occasional spontaneous "I'm feeling so well", when they realize that at times all symptoms are gone.

I wish it can happen to you.


[deleted] t1_iyzfu5x wrote

Thanks for your feedback and being a genuinely great human being :)

Medical system in my country was great once but did suffer of the covid crisis a lot.

One last question (just if you know) Which kind of med school did the physician practice who diagnosed your friend correctly? Neurology?


ndaoust t1_iyzg2om wrote

They're asleep right now, but that I remember, they did have to meet a specialist, either a neurologist or a rheumatologist.