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Djasdalabala t1_iz1c3l3 wrote

>It’s a mistake to view this as just a threat to unskilled labor.

Absolutely. In many cases it's the complete opposite: intellectual jobs are often easier to automate than manual ones.

Building a bot that can do *everything* a good plumber can do pretty much means cracking AGI. On the other hand, some very smart people do some difficult, but ultimately very narrowly-bounded tasks that a computer will do better.

As an extreme/forced example, look at chess: it's a "smart person" activity where computers utterly dominate.


antarickshaw t1_iz5gpt7 wrote

> Building a bot that can do everything a good plumber can do pretty much means cracking AGI.

Can do everything will not be the one replacing most unskilled jobs. Highly automated factories(think tesla) have been replacing unskilled jobs for almost a decade now, which is the reason manufacturing is coming back to US again. Service industry is also being targeted next (pizza) etc. Regarding plumbing, carpenter etc. more and more manufacturing will move to huge automated factories or 3d printers. Like the electronics revolution, we'll move to buying new stuff instead of repairing.