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maymaynibba t1_iz4dab1 wrote

Let me put it this way: With Brain Computer Interface we'd be able to control machines with our thoughts. The BCI picks on our thoughts and converts it into commands for the machine to understand.

Similarly, when we achieve mastery over genetic programming, instead of a BCI tech, we can command the cells to form an organic one instead, To create a new organ that works closely with the brains.

With this new organ maybe in a similar manner to BCI we will be able to upload/download thoughts, which will eventually pave the way for exchanging experiences and skill sets. I hope you get what I am trying to say. We'd be gaining skills not by genetic engineering but by exchanging our experiences with each other.


Quiet_Orison t1_iz4i6se wrote

There's a vast gulf between "updating genetic code" to impart a new skill or knowledge and using a synthetic intermediary to exchange experience or memory.