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jesuswazacommie t1_j22ovqj wrote

How about we just figure out how to not kill this planet first?


spacecam t1_j22rlj3 wrote

Sounds like this idea could take us back to before we fucked it up. Then all we gotta do is blast all of the dinosaurs into space, bada bing bada boom, no more oil, no more climate change, Earth saved, easy money.


Ebikeboi OP t1_j233wo2 wrote

Is it weird that my first thought is to go back and hunt dinosaurs with a rocket launcher.


Ebikeboi OP t1_j233oyr wrote

Geo electric power will do that. Just have a conductive kite in the magnetosphere and harness electricity orders of magnitude more than we'll ever need renewable, clean and usable for 3d printing factories, laser furnaces that can heat elements to temperatures only imagined in sci-fi before now. We won't even need batteries, just hook the kites up to existing electrical grids.


TheSensibleTurk t1_j22nxj2 wrote

& what if humans or post humans in the incomprehensibly distant future become a type V+ civilization, master time itself, and then somehow bring to a state in the future or reconstitute the consciousness of every human who ever lived across billions of terraformed planets?


coberh t1_j22q7dl wrote

> Therefore the Earth's magnetic field can be harvested for electricity

Ummm, no. It is not efficient to generate power from the Earth's magnetic field.

And why harvest the sun's magnetic field when you can directly and more efficiently harvest the light coming from the sun?


pegasBaO23 t1_j22rxyi wrote

>It is not efficient to generate power from the Earth's magnetic field.

Even if it was, I don't think it's great idea, it's one of earth's protections for life, a load to harvest power is sure to mess up the magnetic field.


Johndoe92223 t1_j22w7ok wrote

We currently have the tech to save the earth from humans, to go green, to generate all our energy from renewables, to mass produce vat meats, vat cellulose(paper/wood).

There is already more than enough food to feed every person on this planet. And more then enough tech to do green farms, vertical farms, etc.

We have the tech to build a space elevator (railguns have been attempted in the past and were found to be impractical due to the high G force need to brake orbit, there is a company right now using it to shoot satellites into orbit , to colonize the moon, mars, and many many moons and protoplanets across this solar system.

We lack the will of the world to do it. Rather the political drive and economical will to do so.

To obtain propulsion systems to reach the speed of light or faster, there are several promising experiments involving warp fields (its a real thing) and ion propulsion systems coupled with nuke reactors to get us to the outer solar system and beyond. All the tech is ready to go, we just lack the funding to do it.

As for your magnetic fields, we currently use a model that has that takes into account gravity fields of all the objects in the solar system. We must navigate around these fields in order to meet energy savings and it helps speed up out movements.

Unfortuently using the magnetic fields as energy sources is finate to the stelar object in question. Take Earths, it only projects into space a mere 21 million kilometers. but a drop in the bucket in astronomical scales.