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bajo2292 t1_j0ufpql wrote

I would like to add, that our collective morale is disproportionately distributed and those with much more money and power, be it political, social or some other to the point, where 1% can sway the 99%... and the end result of collective morale is ... ^(I'll let you, reader finish the sentence)

Other thing of note is prevailing socioeconomical system that has biggest share - capitalism. The constant race for profit and seemingly infinte rate of growth is killing planet and morale .... same could be said about communism though and it's impact ... no model is perfect, but wealth neeeds to be distributed more proportionately and we need much more social approach for those who are most vulnerable - lower income people, our planet, animals and the whole climate ... if there's no nature and most of animals are dead, than it says something about the age of anthropocene - age of men, we are at right now.

stay safe, love your neighbour, breathe the fresh air while you can, do the right thing always ...