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VinceSamios t1_j2557hn wrote

What they charge for a launch, and what it costs space for a launch, are veeeery different numbers.


NotShey t1_j2781ip wrote

What do you mean? Their costs are so much lower than everyone else's that they can pretty much charge whatever they feel like and people will pay it. You're not suggesting they are launching at a loss are you?


VinceSamios t1_j27ud30 wrote

Definitely not at a loss. I'd be surprised if launch costs including satellites was more than £20m per launch. They're mass manufacturing satellite's, they're reusing rockets, etc.


johnla t1_j27hf6f wrote

According Elon and other SpaceX guy, they suggest their cost is in the $10M range. Even if we double it to $20M. They still profit $47M since they charge $67M per launch.

I know there are tons of upfront costs of building those rockets. They’ve reused them so often now that I’m pretty sure they have paid for themselves a couple times over now.

Source for Launch cost:

Source for launch price: