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FeedMeACat t1_j25f0hs wrote

This is why the gov announced plans to build their own. Elon tried to price gouge when the service was critical and the military doesn't like that. They pay an extended helping hand back in contracts down the line. That is how they do things.


MightyMoonwalker t1_j25xwxn wrote

If the government builds their own, Elon Musk will still be the one getting rich building it and maintaining it. You think the owner of the only tech that could launch thousands of sattelites is bummed at the prospect of the government wanting to build something that requires thousands of sattelites?


AwesomeLowlander t1_j26ejh8 wrote

Looking at what the US govt spends in their space and military budgets... You really think they'll save any money by doing it themselves?