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FeedMeACat t1_j25fagg wrote

I am curious how long ago they said that. The gov announced plans to build their own after Musks stunt.


robtbo t1_j28dj75 wrote

What stunt?? The asking for help in paying for providing internet to war torn countries and battle zones?

Starlink already has operations within the US military. They can just pay spacex , no need to reinvent the wheel.


sky_blu t1_j25j9jk wrote

I think it was some time mid October?

Edit: to be unnecessary exact I went back and looked, it was oct 7th


pwnasaurus11 t1_j272m2c wrote

What “stunt” are you talking about?


williamscastle t1_j278pbf wrote

Him wanting to be paid for providing a service like every other contractor in the world


Jaker788 t1_j28gfeo wrote

They were supposed to get paid, but the contract fell through. SpaceX was fighting to get properly paid, and the DOD also wanted to as well. There were issues that had to be ironed out.

But also the government is very much happy to take Starlink over their own constellation. SpaceX even created the Starshield network for high security and private comm


Tricky_Invite8680 t1_j26x3s1 wrote

the government doesn't build that shot, they just write specs for someone else to build it.


iamda5h t1_j27r34t wrote

They’ve been planning a network like this for the military for years, and already have gen 1 up and running with limited coverage.