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tanrgith t1_j25xez5 wrote

They never were and they won't be anytime soon

Like, even if BO manages to get their New Glenn rocket flying within the next few years and SpaceX fails at making Starship, it would take years and years before BO builds up the experience and capability to launch rockets at the kind of cadence that SpaceX is able to do it right now

And if SpaceX's Starship actually becomes operational and can be launched for less than a 100 million (which is far more than any reasonable estimate for a fully reusable rocket system), then no one is touching SpaceX for decades


tms102 t1_j280lu5 wrote

I remember when blue origin tweeted "welcome to the club" or something like that when SpaceX landed their booster for the first time after and orbital mission. It seems even more ridiculous now.


compromiseisfutile t1_j290ey5 wrote

Hadn’t SpaceX already achieved that many times before bezos tweeted it?


tms102 t1_j29ir6b wrote

I don't think so. But the thing is SpaceX was attempting landings while doing actual missions and going to orbit. While blue origin only did like a relatively medium hop and landing at that point with a prototype vehicle.

So it was a pretty ridiculous tweet anyway.