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Encid t1_izbz4ob wrote

Wow, not a single cohesive thought of your own in that word vomit, Bitcoin is mostly frictionless, and your stament on inflation is evidence of your ignorance,

You are seriously saying that the eroding of purchasing power is the right direction? Wow! Look up QE dude, and read a book or two on the financial system, before your next word vomit. SHAME!


IsThereAnythingLeft- t1_izdpdy1 wrote

You are to ignorant to even be aware what you don’t know. You talk about eroding purchasing power but that is only one part of inflation. Done correctly it drives the economy. Rich you talking about having my own thoughts you are repeating the same lies I see here over and over. Tell me how many more millions would have died during Covid without government money…. yeah thought so


Encid t1_izeqe1i wrote

Man you are thick! And have no idea what you are talking about, it is incredible. You probably also believe trickle down economics actually works right? You are not even worth explaining, live your sad ignorant life and know you know nothing about the financial system you play in.


IsThereAnythingLeft- t1_izetz2g wrote

Lol you are lit describing yourself there. More crap repeated. You can’t even argue against the fact I set out. But I agree on one thing it’s not worth my time arguing with you, I’d have more chance a child understanding