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fix-all-the-things t1_izcbgxo wrote

That's definitely the solution. Use politicians and regulation to force others to follow your own personal beliefs. Where have we seen that before?

Those subsidies exist for a lot of very good and very valid reasons.

This is why so many people hate vegans. You're no different than evangelicals who ram their beliefs onto others using the law and regulation. While it would be helpful to reduce the consumption of 1 or 2 types of meat of the many types of meat that exist, completely giving it up is an extremist belief that is nowhere near necessary.


zuzg t1_izcdqh2 wrote

I eat meat you ignorant Spatula but I'm also educated about the topic and only eat it every once in a while.
The current Form of livestock farming is unsustainable in literally every way and it would be blatantly obvious if we didn't waste taxes on making it cheap.

>Those subsidies exist for a lot of very good and very valid reasons

Literally only one reason corruption lobbyism. There's no other reason behind it.