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pleasefindthis t1_izscq3j wrote

I imagine this is too little too late for many South Africans and this is still, frustratingly slow. Loadshedding, or controlled blackouts, have been and on-again off-again part of South African life since 2008, and not enough has been done to update and modernize the grid since then - in recent weeks it’s gotten to the point that many cities are regularly without electricity for 9 hours or more a day. This, on top of everything else, has devastated the economy, made it impossible for students to study, destroyed infrastructure and personal belongings because of the constant surges from the power going off and then coming back on multiple times a day, and widened the existing gap in society between those who can afford generators and batteries and continue to function, and those who can’t. I agree the comment doesn’t add anything to the conversation, just voicing why people are frustrated.