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t1_j1nzoxd wrote

Cytobacteria? Or cyanobacteria?

Cyanobacteria can be cultivated in waste and sea waters and have been engineered to create loads of materials. They've also been cultivated in wastewater to take out excess nitrogen before processing. Other bacteria have been engineered to grab onto precious metals in industrial waste waters. There's a lot of promise but it's just a matter of 1) securing dependable funding, 2) managing organisms with recombinant DNA, and 3) translating lab results into the real world


t1_j1o0o0t wrote

Not gona lie, my degree is is PoliSci, not Biology or Chemistry, so Im not the best when it comes to accurately using specific terminology. You are absolutely right, I did mean cyanobacteria, thats my bad.


Personally, my goal is ensure that people much smarter than me have access to the funding they need so that they can properly manage their organisms/experiments and can work towards producing real world results. I may not be the person to figure any of this out, but I will certainly do what I can to support them.


t1_j1p508j wrote

Most politicians distrust science. The general public does not understand science and why these things matter.

I agree that funding needs to be put towards this avenue of science. However, it isnt me who needs to be convinced. Its the public and the corporations that run and lobby everything.