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AugustusClaximus t1_j1qsbb0 wrote

My hot take is the transition from from K1 to K2 will take less than 200 years, but that’s going to take figuring out a nearly fully automated space mining and industrial complex. It’s hard to say when we figure that out though, perhaps in another 100 years. So in 300 year we might be polishing off our Dyson Swarm, beyond that the scale gets dizzying.


UniversalMomentum t1_j1ub1n8 wrote

I don't see why you need space mining. If you look at the size of the planet vs the tiny crust we live on there will always be more than enough resources on Earth and building BIG structures is either silly or not necessary. Instead everything will go tiny, low mass and high efficiency, not big big big.

It will be more like a race to the lowest mass with humans putting their brains into computers and then that is what really allows space explorations/colonization beyond just the very close destinations.

All these mega structure ideas assume some kind of endless population growth and more or less avoid the more likely scenario of humans putting their brains into machines and not needing most of those things anymore.


AugustusClaximus t1_j1uemok wrote

Not so much the space mining as the automated industry part. Something that can create a positive feedback loop and grow exponentially.

I don’t see us gutting our planet or abandoning our biology in the next 300 years