amitym t1_j1toysb wrote
For a template as to how to answer a question like this, consider the change in the price of lighting over an equivalent timeframe:
Similar effects exist for power generation, cost of computation, and other capabilities.
So what happens when we extend that into another 3 orders of magnitude? What happens when the cost of power is 10^(-3) what it is today?
I imagine homesteads of people who manage drones the way people in 1300CE managed cattle, or sheep. Living almost anywhere in the Solar System. Reading about the results of the latest interstellar survey probes, finally returning their first images; or about the latest migrations from Earth.
People will be very different from us in some ways, with genetic enhancements that they can't imagine life without. They will look back on us as benighted fools living in a Dark Age. Except for occasional observations from people who will be, like, "You know they were more like us than you think."
They will also play fantasy roleplaying games in which they play idealized people from our time. They will argue about the rules all the time, like, "Okay I escape from the rain by getting into my car." "It doesn't work, you are still getting soaked, cars don't provide water protection." "Oh come on, they must have, otherwise how would people back then have driven around when it rained?" "They didn't, they used weather prediction to know when not to go out," "No way, weather prediction wasn't that good," "Okay look I tell you what, I'll say you get to the car, roll a d20. 12 or higher and you will be dry inside. You can add your Wisdom modifier."
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