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uh_excuseMe_what t1_j2cy59q wrote


PeopleRGood t1_j2e19pi wrote

So now we will know, everyone who has a working nano thingy, also doesn’t wash their hands after the bathroom!


Jaegernaut- t1_j2f4uel wrote

Don't need to wash your hands if you don't piss on them gif


PeterGriffinn420 t1_j2f5dx2 wrote

Exactly, i shower in the morning and dont piss on my hands so why would i need to wash my hands after peeing? Its already super clean, so its not making my hands dirty at all 🤷🏻‍♂️


godlytoast3r t1_j2fm178 wrote

your dick has special dick oil on it with a unique scent. does it matter? probably not. but that oil is probably only gonna be thin enough to be negligible if you actually shower in the same day.


BoxingHare t1_j2fn7xa wrote

The real question to those comfortable not washing their own hands, are you ok with people preparing and serving your food with unwashed, ungloved hands? After all, they took a shower this morning.


Pyro_Light t1_j2fr7rq wrote

Preparing food in a professional setting is very different from a hand shake, and honestly I’m more concerned about all the shit chefs touch inside the kitchen that in the bathroom having worked in a kitchen.


alpacasb4llamas t1_j2e68gm wrote

For a second I thought he was saying that people had soap in their piss and were peeing on themselves


The_Synthax t1_j2e71qv wrote

You know, at a cursory glance I also thought it was something tangentially golden shower related.


skankhunt402 t1_j2eafml wrote

Idk if it says something about you guys or not but that ur first thought about a regular practice after using the restroom (washing your hands) came after the thought of people pissing on themselves seems a bit off to me