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Surur t1_j1yfpoy wrote

> ai isn't going to do all of that for you.

Why? Axiomatically this will not happen if we have to rely on humans. Everyone is talking about the future and you are talking about the present. Did you forget which sub you are in?

In any real implementation like this, the system will be completely automated and you would not own or control the vehicle.


Wicam t1_j1yno17 wrote

my speculation is that no true ai will be driving cars for us and somehow doing all the preflight checks. it will be "AI" in quotes, similar to what we call ai currently.

my speculation is we are smart enough to never adopt flying cars


Surur t1_j1ysgus wrote

Well, let's just say I agree we are not smart enough to have flying cars without true AI, so the two are inextricably linked.